MAT 312: Applied Algebra

Welcome to MAT 312 --- Applied Algebra; Spring 2008.

This is an introduction to abstract algebra and applications. We will study basic properties of the integers and of abstract groups. We will also study public key codes and error detecting and correcting codes. This is a both a "proof course" and an applications course. So each student should try to understand all the proofs that are discussed.

Course Schedule

To find a weekly course schedule go to Course Schedule for MAT 312

Text Book

Numbers, Groups and Codes (second edition) by J.F.Humphreys and M.Y.Prest, Cambridge University Press (2004).


The final exam will be held on 5/19/08, 8:00-10:30 am. There will also be two inclass midterms on 2/27/08 and 4/09/08 (in our usual class room). If you sign up for this class you must be able to come to these three exams; there will be no makeup exams given.

Midterm I

Midterm I will cover most of sections 1.1-1.6 in text book. Review problems for Midterm I can be found at Review for Midterm I

Midterm I and solutions can be found at Midterm I with Solutions

The letter grade curve for Midterm I can be found at Letter grade curve for Midterm I

Midterm II

This exam will cover material up thru section 4.2 and concentrate on material covered since Midterm I.

Review problems for midterm II can be found at Review for Midterm II

Midterm II and solutions can be found at Solutions for Midterm II

The curve for Midterm II is as follows:A>79,B>64,C>49,D>34.

Final Exam

The final exam will cover the group theory part of the course. It will take place on Monday 5/19/08 from 8:00am to 10:30am in Humanities 1006.

Review problems for the final exam can be found at Review for Final Exam

Homework for section 5.1

If you are in recitation 01 (taught by Somnath Basu) hand in your homework on Tuesday April 22 during recitation. If you are in recitation 02 (taught by Rob Findley) your recitation will not be meeting on April 21 (classes are not in session); hand in your homework to Rob during his office hours next week.


Homework will be assigned every week on this web site (see below). Please turn your homework in the following week at the beginning of your recitation to the recitation leader. Late homework will not be graded.

All of the homework is listed in the Course Schedule for Mat 312

Solutions to homework 2 are given in Solutions to homework 2

Solutions to homework 3 are given in Solutions to homework 3

Solutions to homework 4 are given in Solutions to homework 4

Solutions to homework 5 are given in Solutions to homework 5

Solutions to homework 6 are given in Solutions to homework 6

Solutions to homework 7 are given in Solutions to homework 7

Solutions to homework 10 are given in Solutions to homework 10

Solutions to homework 11 are given in Solutions to homework 11


Homework =15%
Midterm I =25%
Midterm II=25%
Final Exam=35%

Course Lecturer

Lowell Jones,, Math Tower 2-111. Telephone: 632-8248.
Office hours: M,W,F 12:00-1:00pm in 2-111.

Course Recitation Leaders

Recitation 2 (MWF 11:45am-12:40pm): Rob Findley,, Math Tower 3-122.
Office hours: 1pm-2pm Th (in 3-122) and 12:30pm-2:30pm Wed (in MLC).

Recitation 1 (Tu 3:50pm-4:45pm) Somnath Basu,, Math Tower 2-112.
Office hours: 1:30pm-3:30pm Tu (in MLC) and 4pm-5pm Wed (in 2-112).

Statements concerning Disabilities, Academic Integrity, etc.

To view these statments please go to Statements