MAT 203: Calculus III with applications

Welcome to MAT 203.

This is a course in multi-dimensional calculus. We cover essential tools such as: partial deriviatives of functions of two and three variables; maximizing and minimizing functions of two variables; Lagrange multipliers; integrating functions of two and three variables; line integrals; Green's Theorem.


Final Exam

The final exam will take place on Wednesday 5/13/09 from 8:00am to 10:30am in OLD ENG 143. The exam will cover all material discussed in class, up to and including section 15.4, concentrating on the material covered since the midterm. Bring your own paper and pencils to the test; you will not be allowed to use notes, books, computers or calculators.

A set of review problems can be found at practice problems for the Mat 203 final exam

Solutions to the Midterm

The solutions to the midterm can be found at solutions to midterm for mat 203 .

Midterm letter grade curve and average score

The average score the midterm was a 74%.

A translation of you percentage score on the midterm into a letter grade can be found at letter grade curve for midterm

Course instructor

Lecture 1: Lowell Jones Office: Math Tower 2-111. Telephone: 632-8248.
Office hours: MWF 12:30pm-1:30pm.

Recitation instructor

Recitations 1,2: Kenneth Knox, Office:room 3-103 in Math. Bldg .
Office hours: W 3:30pm-4:30am in office; F 10:00am-11:00am in Math Learning Center.


Lecture 1 M,W,F 10:40am-11:35am Heavy Eng Lab 201 Jones
Rec 1 Tu 2:20pm-3:15pm S B Union 231 Knox
Rec 2 W 9:35am-10:30am Library E4310 Knox


Multivariable Calculus, eighth edition, by Ron Larson, Robert Hostetler, Bruce Edwards


You should read the corresponding section of the text before attending each lecture.

Problem sets will be assigned weekly; check this webpage for the assigments. Each homework set is due during the recitation class of the following week (unless otherwise stipulated).


There is one inclass midterm on Friday March 27 of 2009. The final exam is on Wednesday May 13 form 8:00am to 10:30am. The location of the final exam will be announced on this website sometime towards the end of this semester. If you register for this class you must make certain that you will be available at these times, as there will be no scheduled make-ups for these two tests.

Please note that makeup exams are only given if the student misses an exam because of unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control. In particular, schedule conflicts are not an acceptable reason for missing an exam.


30% Homework
30% Midterm 1
40% Final Exam


A very useful resource is the Math Learning Center (MLC) located in room S240-A of the mathematics building basement. The Math Learning Center is open M,Tu,Wed from 10:00am to 9:00pm, on Thur from 10:00am to 6:00pm, and on Fri from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

Another useful resource are your teachers, whose office hours are listed above.


If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS) at 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

Students who require assistance during an emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and DSS. For procedures and information go to the website: http://www/


All homework assigments are due during the recitation class of the following week (unless otherwise stipulated).

Week Topic Notes Homework
1/26-1/31 11.1-11.3   no class on 9/1 11.1:2,3,6,12,23,30,36,38,44 11.2:1,26,32,35,60,64,68,69 11.3:7,9,12,25,49
2/2-2/6 11.4-11.6   11.4:8,31,34 11.5:6,11,15,40,43 11.6:1-6,8,12,15,51,52
2/9-2/13 12.1-12.3   12.1:3,4,12,15,29,32,33,51,74,78 12.2:11,17,25,52,59 12.3:14,15,21,22,26,28
2/16-2/20 12.4-12.5   you may hand in the homework from last week on Wed. of this week (at the end of the lecture) 12.4:12,15,27,40,53 12.5:10,11,31,39,57,88
2/23-2/27 13.1-13.3   13.1:9,12,21,32,35,51,54 13.2:6,7,11,18,24,33,50 13.3:5,12,34,47,56,62,73
3/2-3/6 13.4-13.6   13.4:1,9,12,26,31 13.5:2,9,16,22,26,29,36 13.6:9,12,21,25,29,31,38,56
3/9-3/13 13.7-13.8   13.7:9,25,26,31 13.8:11,14,22,27,47,51,55,59
3/16-3/20 13.9-13.10   13.9:6,7,10,12,18,21 13.10:5,9,13,18,25
3/23-3/27 14.1-14.2   midterm on Friday 3/27, covering thru section 13.8 14.1:2,10,12,19,23,39,43,46,,52,63 14.2:8,11,15,18,28
3/30-4/3 14.3-14.4   14.3:10,13,18,26,32 14.4:5,8,9,10,13,18,
4/6-4/10   spring recess, no classes
4/13-4/17 14.5-14.6   14.5:2,10,16,31-33,38 14.6:3,16,24,29,34,36,39,40
4/20-4/24 15.1-15.2   15.1:27,30,33,38,51,54 15.2:7,17,19,21,24,32,36,39
4/27-5/1 15.3-15.4   in problems 30,31 from section 15.3 just do the first part of the problems (using the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals to evaluate the integrals) 15.3:5,8,15,22,23,30,31 15.4:1,2,10,13,21,26
5/4-5/8 Catchup and review