Stony Brook MAT131: Calculus I   Spring 2010

MAT 131 - Calculus I

Stony Brook University - Fall 2010

MAT 131 Problem Sets MAT 131 Syllabus MAT 131 Exams

In a few days I will be shutting down this Fall 2010 course webpage.

Course Information

Course Announcements

Announcements about the course will be posted here. Please check the site regularly for announcements (which will also be given in lecture and/or in recitation).

Course Description

The description in the undergraduate bulletin: The differential calculus and integral calculus, emphasizing conceptual understanding, computations and applications, for students who have the necessary background from 12th-year high school mathematics. Differentiation of elementary algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; graphing; modeling and maximization; the Riemann integral; and the fundamental theorem. May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 125 or 141 or AMS 151.


In order to take MAT 131, you must have either

See the document first year mathematics at Stony Brook for more information about the math placement exam and other calculus courses.


Single Variable Calculus (Stony Brook Edition 4), by James Stewart available at the University Bookstore @ Stony Brook. This edition, essentially the same as Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th ed, comes with an access code for WebAssign, which we will be using this semester. You are free to use an older version of the textbook. But then you will need to buy stand-alone access for WebAssign. You can get electronic access to the text together with WebAssign access at WebAssign. You can also get electronic access to individual chapters; and then you will still need to buy access to WebAssign.


Primary instruction will occur in lectures, with practice and reinforcement provided in a smaller classroom setting during recitations.


Lecture Time Room Instructor MLC hours Other Office Hrs. Office Hrs. Room
LEC 1 MWF 9:35-10:30am Eng 145 Joshua Bowman M 11am-12noon MW 1-2pm Math 3-114
LEC 2 MW 5:20-6:45pm Eng 143 Jason Starr Tu 2-3pm M 1-2pm, Tu 3-4pm Math P-143
LEC 3 TuTh 9:50--11:10AM Humanities 1003 Lowell Jones N/A TuTh 11:30am-12:30pm / W 10:30-11:30am 2-111 / P-143


Please regularly attend recitation. Most of the one-on-one interaction so crucial in this course will happen in recitation.
Recitation Time Room Instructor MLC hours Other Office Hrs. Office Hrs. Room
R01 TuTh 12:50-1:45pm S B Union 226 Panagiotis Gianniotis (Grad) Th 3-4pm, F 1-2pm M 1-2pm Math 2-121
R03 TuTh 8:20-9:15am S B Union 237 Jaepil Lee (Grad) W 5-6pm, F 11am-12pm M 4-6pm Math 3-122
R04 WF 11:45am-12:40pm Lgt Engr Lab 152 Richard Boyd (UGrad) TBA TBA TBA
R05 MF 2:20-3:15pm Library N4000 Inyoung Kim (Grad) M 5-6pm, F 10:40-11:40am F 4-5pm Math 3-105
R06 MW 10:40-11:35am Library W4535 Anibal Medina (Grad) W 12:30-2:30pm M 1-2pm C-114
R07 MW 6:50-7:45pm Library E4310 Anant Atyam (Grad) M 11:50-12:50, Th 10:30-11:30am M 4-5pm Math S-240A
R08 MW 3:50-4:45pm Harriman Hll 111 Anibal Medina (Grad) W 12:30-2:30pm M 1-2pm C-114
R09 TuTh 5:20-6:15pm S B Union 226 Panagiotis Gianniotis (Grad) Th 3-4pm, F 1-2pm M 1-2pm Math 2-121
R11 TuTh 3:50-4:45pm S B Union 226 Jaepil Lee (Grad) W 5-6pm, F 11am-12pm M 4-6pm Math 3-122
R12 TuTh 8:20-9:15am S B Union 226 Matthew Wroten (Grad) TuTh 5-6pm M 4-5pm Math 2-120
R13 MF 12:50-1:45pm Physics P113 Inyoung Kim (Grad) M 5-6pm, F 10:40-11:40am F 4-5pm Math 3-105

Grading System

The relative significance of exams and problem sets in determining final grades is as follows.
Diagnostic Quiz
Midterm I
Midterm II
Final Exam
Recitation / Problem Sets


Graded problem sets and exams will be handed back in recitation. If you cannot attend the recitation in which a problem set or exam is handed back, it is your responsibility to attend your recitation instructor's office hours and get your graded work.

You are responsible for collecting any graded work by the end of the semester. After the end of the semester, the recitation instructor is no longer responsible for returning your graded work. If you have a question about the grade you received on a problem set or exam, you must contact the recitation instructor (not the grader or the lecturer).

Academic Resources

There are a number of organizations on campus offering tutoring and other academic resources in various locations. The mathematics department offers drop-in tutoring in the Math Learning Center. You are strongly encouraged to talk to a tutor in the MLC if you have an issue and are unable to attend your lecturer's or recitation instructor's office hours (or if you have previously arranged to meet them in the MLC).

Please be aware that tutors in the MLC deal with students on a first-come, first-served basis. Thus it may be preferrable to speak with your lecturer or instructor in their office hours. (Even if you find them in the MLC, they may be obliged to speak to other students before speaking with you.)

For students living on campus, there are also tutoring centers available in the residence halls.

Disability Support Services

If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services (631) 632-6748 or They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website:

Academic Integrity

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instance of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at

Critical Incident Management

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, and/or inhibits students' ability to learn.

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Jason Starr
4-108 Math Tower
Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
Phone: 631-632-8270
Fax: 631-632-7631
Jason Starr

Web design due to Scott Sutherland. Page last updated 30 December 2010 at 10:30am.