SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 211: Introduction to Linear Algebra
Spring 2019

Welcome to MAT 211: Introduction to Linear Algebra (Lecture 2)

Textbook: Linear Algebra, A Mondern Introduction, by David Poole (4 edition)

Lecturer: Dzmitry Dudko

Office: Math Tower 4104

Office Hours: W 12:30pm-2:30pm in my office, Th 1:00pm-2:00pm in MLC (S235), or by appointment

E-mail: dzmitry.dudko at


WebAssign homework will be assigned weekly in this course; so you need to buy access to WebAssign.

WebAssign homework should be completed and submit online by 10 pm on Thursday of the week following the posting of the assignment.

Most weeks there will also be one or two HW problems that should be submitted on paper and handed in during the lecture on Thursday of the week following the posting of the assignment. These "hand-in" problems will be posted here.

Exams and Grading

There will be two midterms, and a final exam.


20% Homework

20% Midterm 1

20% Midterm 2

40% Final Exam