MAT 132 
 Calculus II  
Spring 2007

MAT 132 is the second semester of the two-semester calculus sequence MAT 131/132. Topics covered include integration, differential equations, and infinite series. Knowledge of this subject-matter is essential for those wishing to pursue studies in mathematics, the physical sciences, economics, engineering, or a host of other fields. A good grasp of differentiation is assumed at the outset, as is some familiarity with elementary integration.

Prerequisite: to take this course, you must have received

By contrast, you cannot enroll in this course if you have already passed MAT 126, MAT 127, MAT 142, or AMS 161.
Textbook: James Stewart,
Single Variable Calculus
Stony Brook University Edition,
Brooks/Cole Publishing, 2005,
ISBN 0-495-08145-0.

This edition of the text is available at the campus bookstore at a special, reduced price. But aside from the cover and front-matter, the text essentially coincides with the first eight chapters of Stewart's more expensive Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, 3rd edition. Students who can get a good deal on a used copy of the latter book should therefore feel free to avail themselves of their good fortune. By contrast, students hoping to use yet another edition of Stewart should proceed with extreme caution, as the problem sets in different editions often turn out to be slightly different.

Homework: Each week, you should do all the homework problems indicated by the homework web-page. Some of these are marked in blue, and are to be turned in at the first meeting of your recitation section the following week. Each homework set also includes a number of problems marked in black, which you should do, but not turn in. Even so, the assigned homework sets just represent a bare minimum. Those really hoping to excel in the course are strongly encouraged to try some extra problems, in addition to those assigned.

Instructional staff: Every student is expected to attend both lectures and recitations every week. Be sure to learn the names of both your lecturer and your recitation leader, which you can check on the staff web-page. Also be sure you know your correct lecture and recitation numbers.

The instructional staff is here is to help you learn. If you have complaints about the course, please contact your instructor first. If this does not resolve the matter, you should then contact the Course Coordinator. In the unlikely event that this does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, you may next appeal to the Undergraduate Director, and finally to the Department Chair.

Calculators: The use of calculators will be forbidden on all exams in this course. You are free to use a calculator to check your solutions to homework problems, but you are urged not to turn your calculator into an unneeded electronic crutch.

There are good reasons for this policy. By not using a calculator, you will

This policy is not negotiable. Students strongly disagreeing with it might therefore consider taking the course some other term, since different course coordinators often implement different calculator policies.

Computers: Students are expected to have frequent access to the world-wide web, and to regularly check these web-pages for the latest information regarding the course. Always be sure to use the refresh button on your web-browser to ensure that you are actually seeing the current version of the page, rather than an old copy stored in your computer's cache.

Your textbook includes a pair of CD-ROMs, which interactively illustrate many of the key concepts and offer assistance in solving certain problems. You are free to take advantage of this feature, but not required to do so. New copies of the text also provide individual codes entitling the bearer to on-line tutorial help. Again, use of this feature is entirely optional. Finally, some of you may wish to visit the textbook web-site in order to explore the free electronic resources provided there, even without a code.


New, Improved Final Exam Information New, Improved

Exam Schedule

Midterm I Tuesday, February 20 8:30-10:00 pm
Midterm II Monday, March 19 8:30-10:00 pm
Final Exam Friday, May 11 11:00 am-1:30 pm

By enrolling in this course, you are attesting to the fact that you will
be available for these exams at these times. No excuses, no exceptions.

Grading: Your course grade will be based on your performance on examinations, on homework, and in recitations, weighted as follows:

Midterm I 25%
Midterm II 25% 
 Final Exam 35%
 Homework & Recitation  15%

No make-ups will be given for missed midterms. However, if you miss an exam because of convincingly documented circumstances beyond your control, then, at the discretion of the course coordinator, the relevant score may be `dropped' in computing your course grade.

A grade of Incomplete will be granted only if documented circumstances beyond your control prevent you from taking the final exam.

Navigation Links:                         Staff                        Homepage                       Homework

Tutorial help is available in the Math Learning Center, located in the Math Tower basement, room S-240A. For more information, click here.

DSS advisory. If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that could adversely affect your ability to carry out assigned course work, we urge you to contact the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), Educational Communications Center (ECC) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748.  DSS will review your situation and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation regarding disabilities will be treated as strictly confidential.

Students for whom special evacuation procedures might be necessary in the event of an emergency are encouraged to discuss their needs with both the instructor and with DSS. Important information regarding these issues can also be found at the following web site: