% solve problems 1-2 on practice quiz 4 v=1./[1:10]; A=toeplitz(v); det(A) x=(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)'; y=A\x; %---------------------------- % script to solve problems 4-6 on practice quiz 4 function out=detf(x) A=eye(10); N=toeplitz([0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]); B=A+x*N; out=det(B); %v=ones(10,1) %y=B\v return %---------------------------- % problem 6 % first plot the function to see there are 3 zeros ezplot(@detf,[0,1]) % plot shows last is between .75 and .8 so find it with fzero(@detf,[.75,.8]) % problem 7 on practice quiz 4 Q=zeros(8); Q(1,2)=1; Q(1,4)=1; Q(2,3)=1; Q(2,5)=1; Q(3,6)=1; Q(4,5)=1; Q(4,7)=1; Q(5,6)=1; Q(5,7)=1; Q(5,8)=1; Q(6,8)=1; Q(7,8)=1; % important step Q = Q+Q'; P=Q^20 P(1,8)