MAT 312/AMS 351, L01: Applied Algebra

Stony Brook            Spring 2019

This website is for Lecture L01 (Recitations R01 and R02) only. For all info concerning Lecture L02 (Recitations R20 and R21), please contact the L02 lecturer or TA.

Final Exam Information

General Course Information, MLC Hours, Midterm I Information

Tentative Schedule

The lectures are TuTh 10-11:20 in ESS 131.
The recitations are RO1 M 11-11:53 in Physics P112 and R02 W 12-12:53 in Frey 224.

All assigned readings below are from the required textbook.
HW11 is due before the start of the lecture on Thursday, 5/9

Dates TopicRead Problem Set
1/28, M - 2/4, M Mathematical induction (in recitations)Sections 1.1-1.3
Euclid's algorithm for gcd
Unique Factorization Theorem
2/5, Tu - 2/11, MModular arithmetic Sections 1.4,1.5
2/12, Tu - 2/18, M Euler's TheoremSection 1.6
Public key cryptography
2/19, Tu - 2/20, W Review for Midterm IChapter 1 none
2/21, Th Midterm I (snow date: 2/26, Tu): info
2/25, M Overview of Midterm I
2/26, Tu - 3/4, MPermutations Sections 4.1,4.2
3/5, Tu - 3/11, MIntroduction to groups Section 4.3, pp200-206
3/12, Tu - 3/14, ThStructures of groups Sections 5.1,5.2
3/18, M - 3/21, Th no classes, no office hours
3/25, Mo - 4/1, MoSmall groups Section 5.3
4/2, Tu - 4/8, MoGroups and codes Section 5.4
4/9, Tu - 4/10, WReview for Midterm II Sections 4.1-4.3
Chapter 5
4/11, Th Midterm II: info
4/15, M Overview of Midterm II
4/16, Tu - 4/22, Mo Other algebraic structures Sections 4.4,6.1
4/23, Tu - 4/29, Mo Division and factorizationSections 6.2,6.3
4/30, Tu - 5/6, MoPolynomials and codes Sections 6.4,6.5
5/7, Tu - 5/9, Th Review for Final Examall of the above none
5/17, F final exam, 11:15am-1:45pm: info

This page is maintained by Aleksey Zinger.
Last modified: May 17, 2019.