Lets consider a symmetric about 0 partition. Let's assign the interval immediately to the right of zero to B (Black)=and the one immediately to the left of zero to W (White). Lets assign the other intervals alternatively to B and W. As a result, for a W segment to the right of zero the symmetric about zero segment will be assigned to B and vice versa for a B segment to the right of zero. The integral of "x^2" (which is symmetric about zero) over this partition will therefore be equal for B and W. So also for the even constant function "b". For the integral of "x" over these partitions: lets choose the special partition [-1,-c,0,c,1]. Lets assign [0,c] to B and [c,1] to W. If we require integral of "ax" to be the same for both we need to choose a(c^2-0)=a(1-c^2) which gives c=1/sqrt(2). So a partition with the required property is [-1,-1/sqrt(2),0,1/sqrt(2),1] with alternating intervals assigned to black and white.