Geometry/Topology Seminar
Tuesday September 28th, 2021
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Title: Ricci flow on noncompact surfaces with rough initial data
Speaker: Peter Topping, University of Warwick, UK
Location: Online
There has been much work in recent years on starting the Ricci flow with initial data that is rougher than a Riemannian metric. There has also been significant development of Ricci flow theory on noncompact manifolds. In this talk I will describe some recent work joint with Hao Yin in two dimensions that tackles these topics simultaneously. We replace the initial Riemannian metric with a combination of a complex structure and a nonatomic Radon measure. An important aspect is to derive suitable a priori estimates for the logarithmic fast diffusion equation. I will also use the theory to generate a large new class of Ricci solitons, and to resolve an open problem concerning Ricci flow regularity.