SYZ Mirror Symmetry for del Pezzo Surfaces
Saturday April 24th, 2021
Contact Name: Tristan Collins, MIT
If X is a del Pezzo surface and D is a smooth anti-canonical divisor, we can regard the complement X\D as a non-compact Calabi-Yau surface. I will discuss a proof of a strong form of the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow mirror symmetry conjecture for these non-compact surfaces. It turns out the mirror Calabi-Yau is a rational elliptic surface (in particular, it has an elliptic fibration onto $P^1$) with a singular fiber which is a chain of nodal spheres. I will discuss how we can construct special Lagrangian fibrations on these manifolds, as well as moduli of complex and symplectic structures and how hyper-Kahler rotation allows us to construct an identification of these moduli spaces. This is joint work with A. Jacob and Y.-S. Lin.